farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

steel your will power, good people

& today, wednesday november 22, marks the end of normal eating for a six weeks. starting tomorrow my life will be inundated with deli trays of meat & cheeses, kugan, cookies, bbq meatballs, buffalo wings, sloppy joes, lasagna, lots of goodies of every ilk & flavor will be descending upon my house & my life. my family is even having mimosas tomorrow morning for breakfast. shoot, i'm in charge of picking up the muffins. add one more thing to today's to-do list.

but seriously, it does tend to happen this time of year. with thanksgiving begins the great eat-in. for six weeks it's basically non stop parties, pot lucks, family gatherings, dinner with friends, basically all of the major events that can lead to over eating. with the actual food opportunities i feel like it also has a lot to do with the feeling of entitlement, the weather, & the mood of the holiday season.

around this time of year most of us feel like, "well, thanksgiving only comes around once a year, i'll have just one more helping of grandma's stuffing, oh, & maybe just a tiny sliver of auntie marie's caramel apple pie, oh sure, a smidgen of ice cream on top of that pie would be fabulous." does this sound familiar to anyone? & then it's the same thing at every pot luck & party between now & the new year.

not like i'm saying it's right, because i definitely feel like i should be able to have better will power, after all, it's just food, right? & food should not have that much control over me. especially since lately food is falling short of my expectations. it's not tasting as good. & i think part of that is simply because i'm trying to, in general, eat better, there is some what of a dissatisfaction when i eat food that is really unhealthy. as if i can almost feel the negative effect that it is having on my body. now when i eat those "bad" foods, in moderation, just a small bite, then it's not so bad. i'm able to savor them, enjoy the flavor, & get on with my life. it's just sitting down to the whole meal that makes it less than satisfying.

tomorrow jenn & i are planning on hitting body pump at the Y in the morning. yes, the Y is open on thanksgiving day, just from 7am-noon instead of their normal hours of 5am-10pm. but they are having body pump, so we're planning on doing that. yeah, i know, it's crazy, getting up & exercising on the great american pig-out day. for heaven sakes, it's a national holiday! but i feel like in order not to go totally over board & eat like a pig & regret my actions, i need to get into the gym tomorrow morning, get a good hour or two workout in. because then when faced with a table full of my mom's wonderful home cooking, instead of piling my plate high, i'll have reasonable portions, enjoy being with my family, & keep that delicate balance of enjoying the holiday without becoming overstuffed.

i sincerely wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. i hope that you enjoy your celebrations, whatever they may be. & that you feel great about yourself waking up friday morning. & even if you do eat a bit too much turkey & fixings on thursday, don't hold it against yourself, & don't wait to january to hit the gym again & work on becoming healthier.


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