farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Friday, November 17, 2006

week 4 results: warning boys- tmi ahead

yeah, ok, so normally i'm not one to bitch about the results of my weigh ins because i know that it's usually due to me being a porker & stuffing anything & everything fried, sugared, or sugary fried into my face & then sitting my ass on the couch for the scub-a-thon on comedy central. but this week i did mostly try. i didn't gorge myself, & i did decently on the workouts. my little trip to urgent care on tuesday did put me a wee bit out of the game, but i managed to get a workout in wednesday morning & get right back on the fitness thing despite the dizzy spells.

& i know i haven't been drinking enough water, but it shouldn't make much of a difference on the scale. so what perse am i bitching about today? what i'm bitching about is the fact that women have it so much harder in the weight loss game than men. let's break it down like this: so you try really hard, being conscience of what you're eating & exercising & week one you lose weight, yippee! then you keep up that momentum for week two & lose again, fabulous, you go on girl with your bad self. then week three, it's getting to be "that time of the month" & you start wanting to eat everything in sight including the walls of your cube & your keyboard, maybe with a little mustard for zip, & weigh in time you gain, mother fucker. then week four, you're bloated & cranky, still wanting to eat everything in sight, dealing with your period & it feels like someone is twisting your ovaries in figure eights just for shits & giggles, but you still hit the gym, try to eat healthy, & you gain again. double mother fucker.

so that's my bitch of the day & why i'm a bit cranky over my lack of weight loss, or rather my actual weight gain, two pounds up from last week. two FUCKIN pounds?! & then i've got my gang of cheerleaders at work & my mom at home swearing up & down that i'm losing weight or sliming down or something & the scale mocks me, taunting me, saying neener neener neener, you're headed for the 270's again, ha ha ha ha ha! & i'm feeling like it doesn't matter if i eat well or if i go & pig out on everything that i want, because it's not gonna matter either way.

& the bmi results:
starting bmi: 47.4
last week's bmi: 45.7
this week's bmi: 46.0

so here's my ticker with my pathetic backwards flying butterfly. can i get just one more mother fucker?! mother fucker. thanks.


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