farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

she just sounds like a fat girl

after our post-work grocery shopping trip last night jenn said she was craving ice cream from mcdonald's & it's only 100 calories for a cone, so why don't we swing by & grab one. of course i thought long & hard about this & before i knew it we were at mcdonald's & i was ordering two cones, nothing else, please.

so the theory was, it's just 100 calories, a nice little treat to keep us from binging later on & eating everything in sight. & it's ice cream so it's a very nice treat. & it was, indeed, a great theory. in actuality we have no idea how many calories were in those cones. we pulled up & the drive-thru guy handed us two humongeous cones. the vanilla ice cream was about 1 1/2-2 times the height of the cone & almost twice as wide. i think it was the biggest cone i've ever gotten from mickey d's in my life.

jenn claimed that the guy who took my order thought we sounded like fat girls so he gave us more ice cream. my thought is that it was late at night & they were bored & figured hey, let's get us a little show 'cause these chicks are definitely gonna have to pull over to take care of these bad boys.

it did get me thinking though, what does a fat girl sound like? i've been told i sound young on the phone, & that i'm a huge flirt & very sexy. but i've never been told that i sound fat. now if i was on a video phone, well then maybe i could see that because people would have the visual to go with my voice. but just voice? i know what old sounds like & i know what young sounds like. male versus female. all that jazz, but i don't know that i can say i know 100% for sure what fat sounds like.

being a rep in a call center i talk to a LOT of people, every day of the week. & for every person that i talk to i can kind of imagine maybe what they look like a bit, i'm sure that i'm wickedly off for most of them. but for all of them i just imagine them as basically average. average height, average weight. i don't really think of any of them as fat or thin. does that mean that fat is all in your head?

i saw an interview with the fantabulous bob from biggest loser on the tv guide website yesterday. he was explaining his approach to helping people lose weight. he said that he works from the inside out. that when a person is happy & healthy & beautiful inside then it comes out in their physical appearance. my favorite quote is "your body will follow where your mind goes." that, is deep man, super deep.


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