farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

three weeks & counting

so it's down to the home stretch on the competition. it is still anyone game, & part of that is because none of us has really blown anyone out of the water. jenn is in first place, i'm in second, then it's jack, angel, & jen all close to each other. now granted, the other three haven't weighed in yet, so anything can still happen with the numbers.

which begs the question, projections & predictions for the end of the competition. at this point in time i'm pretty sure that jenn'll win just because of the fact that she's been busting her ass harder than any of the rest of us on this journey. but she is also fond of reminding me that with three weeks left anyone could break through & be uber impressive, which is true also.

for myself? i'm really hoping to see the other side of 260 by the time santa visits my house three days after the end of this whole dealie. basically i need to push myself hard to finish strong. in order to reach that goal of the 250's i technically have just 6lbs to go, which is doable. & if you look at the recommended pace of weight loss that's on the high end, since most health professionals say that you should lose no more than 2lbs/wk.

don't get me wrong, if i can push myself harder & lose more weight than that i won't bitch, moan, or say 'no thanks,' not by any means at all. but i'm also trying to be semi realistic so that i don't get too disappointed.

& then again. seriously folks, how the fuck is it that the people on biggest loser can routinely lose double digits week after week & they can be ok? um, ok, well maybe it has a little something to do with having a personal trainer, living in a controlled environment, working out 4-6 hours a day & having 250 grand riding on how much pudge melts off your butterball body.

i'm really not bitter about the whole BL thing, i love those guys! i even auditioned back in winter 2004 to be on the second season, obviously i didn't get it, or else i may have been the skinny ass bitch with the ever so hot matt. they are a wicked cute couple, but just saying, ya know?

so wish me luck gang, i want the win, i want the money, i want the satisfaction!


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