farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Friday, January 26, 2007

gearing up

it's no secret that jenn & i have been going to the Y, especially since we have several Y based stories between this blog & my main blog. & since both jenn & i have been kind of stalling on our weight loss & we've both been wanting to lose more weight & get toned up, & it's always easier to do that sort of thing when the people around you are on board & not trying to sabotage you. & it's also easier when you're being held accountable to someone else.

so tomorrow morning at eleven we have an appointment at the Y to sign up for their free training program. basically it's meeting every four weeks with a staff member, setting up fitness goals & getting some guidance into how you should be working out to best maximize your time. if that seems to be helping we may join the legions of people who spend their hard earned money on a personal trainer, but we'll see on that one.

it's really coming down to crunch time for me. hmmm, maybe my fat ass should be doing some crunches & not eating so many crunches? something to ponder. i have an appointment set up for february 9th at HCMC for the surgical consult for gastric bypass. & that's only two weeks away! i'm still weighing in at 265, twenty five pounds away from being "ineligible" for surgery. & i'm scared. that i can't do it on my own. & even though there's a remote chance, i'm scared with the surgery that: i'll die, have other complications, or STILL fail. & i couldn't deal with doing something that drastic & then still failing in the end.

i know i talk about being fat & huge & all of that a lot. & yeah, the whole weight loss trip is a lot about vanity for me. but even more, i want to avoid the problems my parents have. i don't want to develop sleep apnea & have to sleep with a CPAP machine every night. i don't want to develop diabetes or high blood pressure or high chlorestoral. i don't want to have to carry nitro pills in case my heart starts to fail me. i don't want to be tied to an inhaler because my lungs won't work right without it. most of all, when i have children i don't want to pass this disease of obesity onto them.

& the cheap bitch in me is screaming that i'm thinking about spending 35 bucks twice a week for a personal trainer. so $70 a week, $140 bi weekly, $280 a month to have someone tell me what i need to do & what i'm doing wrong. but if it saves my life & keeps me from permanently altering my body, it's money well spent, right?

but that's still in the future. for now, the free consult tomorrow & the game plan set by riley at the Y, who i've yet to meet, but doesn't he sound like he MAY be a hot australian guy? YUM YUM YUM! it's more than just the benjamins. but i still do want to kick angel's ass in this competition, she's gotten cocky. *GRINS*


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