farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


oi! so this morning as i was rushing out of my house to get to the gym with miss jenn i fell out of my house. yes, you read that right, i literally fell out of my house. some how my gym bag got caught on the door handle & i tripped & fell, with all my weight landing straight on my right knee. doh! so now my right knee hurts like a mother, i skinned it up pretty badly, & bruised it pretty well to boot.

the competition is really coming down to the wire right now, jenn has taken the lead as of the last official weigh in, she & i did an unofficial weigh in tuesday & i came out as the leader, by a slim margin, on that one. so it's still anyone's game & i'm really frustrated by the fact that it's pretty likely that my name is topping the injured list.

so i guess i'll have to pray really hard that this is just sore because i dropped 270 pounds on my poor little knee joint & that i'll be back in the gym by the end of this week. i may chance going tonight & doing some very light treadmill walking, or i may go home. i'm icing & adviling myself right now, so we'll see what happens in the next 3+hours.


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