farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Friday, February 02, 2007

is it wrong to smell like aspercream?

that was the question that i pondered all morning while i limped around my house going, "oh, oh, OH! oh god that hurts!" a long lamenting moan. in the end, i decided that while i'm not at work trolling for boys, i'd prefer not to show up smelling like aspercream, i think that falls under the category of definite turn off!

as i've mentioned in the very last stop, jenn & i did bite the bullet & sign up for a personal trainer at the Y. & so far it's been money well spent. not only has riley kicked our collective asses from one side of the gym to the other, in a supportive kind way, but he's shown me a lot of exercises i've never done before. he's also given some great tips on cardio & what the best strategies are for weight loss.

& one thing he mentioned yesterday, was time. & it SUCKS, cause i know he's right. & in so many ways it really is about time. i can't just sit around on my haunches & WAIT for the weight to disappear, but i do have to give it time while i do my best.

patience is a virtue. & sadly enough, not one that i seem to possess. but i'm trying. i know that it took me a long time to get fat, so it should at least take some time to become less fat. but, it's hard!

& then there's the competition. & i want to WIN. not just for the sake of the money, which would be VERY nice, but also so that i can say i won. so i can know that i'm that much lighter & i did my best to work out & make a great showing.

right now we're 25% through the competition, & since we started on january 8th i've lost 4.4lbs, so theoretically, at the end of it all, on april 2nd, i could be down 17.6 lbs if i keep the same rate of weight loss, which would be a great thing.

just trying to stay positive, keep working, & avoid the free cake at work like it's a flea infested with the black plague & i'm a poor country peasant in england. we all know how THAT story usually wound up. then again, the pope made it through the plague, i can beat the cake.


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