farm people

just a blog from a bunch of midwesterners trying to shed the "farm people" persona inflitcted on them by plump genes & cheeseburgers. it's a nine week journey with cash prize at the end for the one who loses the most percentage of pork.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

welcome to the farm people's blog

hi there, this is beckah, & welcome to our blog. some of you may know me from my blog, beckah's blog, & others may have just stumbled upon us by chance. in either case, pull up a chair & a low-cal snack & enjoy the show.

so far there's four members of this challenge. there's myself, jenn, jen, & jack. each of us is doing this for a different reason, but we're all in it to cheer each other on, lose "the weight", and of course win the big money! here's how it works: starting this past weekend we each weighed in with our starting weight. every friday we'll weigh in, i'll be the keeper of the notes & the lincoln's. each week each person puts five bucks into the pot, lose or gain, it's five bucks to play the game. it started this past weekend, october 20-22, 2006. and will go until friday december 22, 2006. whomever loses the most percentage of weight in that time gets the whole kit n kaboodle. right now the anticipated pot is $180. 4 people times 5 bucks a week times nine weeks= grand prize $180. we may be gaining a fifth in which case the stakes will rise to $225.

the rules? it's simple, lose weight in a healthy way. no dried dragons bones or eating disorders. no purging of any kind. for once we're all trying to do this the "right" way. & yes we realize right for one is not right for all, that's why the only restriction is that it has to be healthy. one person may do atkins while another does weight watchers. we're not here to judge, just support.

as for the blog name, that comes from a tragic conversation i had with my mom last week, actually on the topic of gastric bypass. here's the
full on blog i wrote about it, so i won't bore you with those details. the punch line of it is that at the end of all of it, she pled her case for me not pursuing gastric bypass because she stated that "you come from farm people, & farm people are big." i told the jenns about this & jack & everyone i could think of & they all found it quite hilarious that the term farm people*** is synonymous with fat. & as a result we decided what better way than to document our transformation than to use the term supplied to us by my mother.

i'll let each of my team-mates update the blog in their own way with their own quirky stories, as for me, this is my last chance before going for the slicey-dicey. i've started the process of getting approved for gastric bypass early this month. my nutritionist thinks i'm the perfect canidate & sees great success in my future. while i'm going ahead full steam with planning for the surgery, which could be as early as january, i decided i couldn't just sit & stuff my face in the mean time. this is basically my last chance to do it on my own. if i don't make it then i'll be getting the full on gastric bypass early next year.

& like i told miss jenn & miss jen, i have basically no shame, as you can see from my other blog. so here's my starting stats:
weight: 276 lbs
height: 5' 4 1/2"
shape: jiggly hour-glass
goal: right now anything under 200lbs

***btw, we don't mean any offense to people who do actually live on a farm & are literally farm people.


Blogger Josh said...

HAHAHA! I love the title, Farm People! I'm just pictureing you and Jack out tending the farm, Jack holding a pitch fork and you with a big straw hat and overhauls! Freaking awesome!!!!

October 25, 2006 1:25 AM  

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